Monday, February 19, 2007

The Introductions...

I'm just a girl, in love with a guy, trying to make it in this crazy, mixed-up world. I'm a wife, a mom, a daughter, sister, aunt, cousin and friend. I'm infertile. I have twin 2 year-old girls and as strange as it may sound, my infertility still permeates my daily life. Trust me, the irony of that fact is not lost here.

This blog, for all intents and purposes, will be a virtual diary of my daily brain farts. Many years ago, a friend and co-worker of mine told me about how she spent her shower time mulling over the little things in life. "Why is the sky blue?*, how do the powers that be decide on an expiration date for a gallon of milk and (my personal favorite), what the hell did that dream mean?" I've adopted her "shower time musings" idea and now I can't climb out of the shower without having something useless and totally ridiculous to write about.

My hope for this blog is that I'm able to post every day. Realistically, I don't see that happening, but heck, who knows? I have two year old tornadoes taking up most of my time. My husband has a career that affects most aspects of my daily life and I'm cursed/blessed with a lifestyle that can easily be compared to that of a hermit.

I'm about to push the "publish" button because, frankly, my fingers hurt and I hear tiny voices coming from their bedroom, plotting their next devious move to overthrow the balance of the household.


*I remember hearing a comedian say that the sky was blue because if it were green, we wouldn't know when to stop mowing our lawn. I still giggle over that one!

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